Given my recent post about Global Warming, you may wonder why I bother posting this. Especially the link to The Daily Green website. Note that I have no particular objection to reducing emissions, or to improving fuel efficiency. I just don't think that Global Warming is really an issue. But the main reason for this post is the concept of saving fuel - not for the saving of the environment, but to help be "green" in another sense - saving money. Fuel is expensive these days, and getting more so, seemingly by the minute. So why not try to save your money by using some of these fuel saving tips?
So let's go beyond just "saving your money to buy Christmas presents" (and, if you want to buy me something for helping you save all that money, there's a "contact me" link over to your left where you can get in touch with me!). Take a look at this page on the Daily Green, which talks about the recent cyclone (Sidr) to hit Bangladesh (see my previous post Cool picture, sad story) and you'll see they warn of "rising sea levels" as one of the great dangers of Global Warming. (Note: they do have many points besides this in the article, and I did not read through the comments, so I can't vouch for any of the content besides the main article.) But, even if we assume that Global Warming is a real thing, this article suggests that rises in the temperature may actually cause drops in worldwide sea levels. The supposed sea level rise from Global Warming effects would be offset by the sea level drops (due to melting of under-ocean, sea-floor ice).

If you take a look at the picture to the right (clicking it will take you to the Wikipedia version), you'll see that sea levels have fluctuated throughout history. Our earth is an amazingly created environment, and is designed to take care of itself. Sure, there are cycles - warm, cold; high-seas, low-seas; but everything, I think, balances itself (my opinion, not offering any "highly supportive evidence" at this point). If you want some data to review for yourself, take a look at the US EPA's Probability of Sea Level Rise report. While I haven't read this report, chapter 8 says it tries to explain why "sea level projections have declined over the last few decades" - doesn't sound like Global Warming is causing sea levels to rise to me.
Over on the CO2 Science site, there are several articles about sea levels. For instance, Sea Levels (Difficulties Predicting Change) and Sea Level Global Measurements. Honestly, I wonder how we're able to accurately define historical sea levels (before modern measuring equipment), and how older measurements compare with today's measurements (for instance, we certainly don't have thousands of years' worth of satellite altimeter sea-level measurements).
Anyway, that's enough for this post; enjoy the money-saving tips at the beginning of this article. As always, please do your own research - don't [LAPSE...] and be [brain dead] about the subject (and wait for someone else to tell you what you think). And please don't make the EPA take away all our fuel - I rather enjoy going places, and sometimes I go in my 1967 Mustang GT (thanks, Uncle Brad!) which is always fun (if not necessarily "environmentally friendly").
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