I am currently watching the American Gladiators finale (yes, we TiVoed it, and ended up watching a movie last night instead of AG), and we were discussing our "favorite events" - and I realized that I think I like them all. Yes, I'm just plain an American Gladiators fan. The show is filled with corny, quirky "dialog" and "monologues," (why is it that "dialog" and "monologue" are spelled the way they are? Shouldn't it either be "dialogue" and "monologue" or "dialog" and "monolog"? After all, they're both variants of "log" or "logue," only differing in plurality. But my spell checker shows that "dialogue" and "monolog" are both misspelled! Stupid English language!) but (sorry for the horribly long parenthetical sidetracked discussion, followed here by another, which completely derails the flow of the original thought, and you probably won't remember what I was talking about when I close this parenthetical phrase and get back to my original idea) it's still a very entertaining show to watch. I'm laughing right now at the gladiators after "Pyramid."
Well, my friend Dean finally posted his Cap Gun Story. I guess I can share mine (I don't think I've shared it here before; note: it's not nearly as meaningful as Dean's story - I encourage you to try to find something of value from it if you can). When I was in first grade, I was opening a roll of caps, and managed to scrape my left thumbnail across a cap on the second row of caps, underneath the paper that is glued to keep the roll from coming undone before you're ready to use it. Well, that cap flared, and my thumb caught fire at the end of it, and underneath the thumbnail itself. I went running inside to my mom, screaming (I was in first grade, remember?), and she put it under the bathroom faucet, and then put some ice on it, and then she left me alone (I think we were entertaining guests that day). That hurt. But it wasn't the last time I used roll caps.
Another time, in 2nd grade... oh, I'll save this story for another post. This post is long enough already. I'll leave you with one final link: "Manning the Ropes." A wonderful post about how important it is for us to do our best in all the tasks we undertake - both the large ones and the small (this goes beyond "churchy things" - it applies to all things we do; as children of God, we really don't have a "secular life" and a "Christian life" - we have one life, and whatever [we] do, [we should] do it all for the glory of God).
First of all, congrats on the caches. Second of all, it's "Fred", not "Greg" in Scooby-Doo who does the driving. Third of all, I don't really have a third of all, but I didn't want to stop with two, oh yes I do - you already told me the cap gun story. Don't worry, I didn't laugh at your pain. Ok, maybe I did... sorry!
Way to go! A geocaching story after all! And a hunt for four with kids! That is always an accomplishment!
You are absolutely correct: Fred, not Greg. Second mistake in 101 blogs, not bad eh? That's like a 98! (Ok, maybe there are more than two...) However, it should be noted that two people agreed on Greg here (my wife and eldest son), so I thought I was following sound advice. And "Greg" sounds kind of like "Fred"...
I expect people to laugh at my pain; otherwise, why would I share?
And it only took me 101 blog posts to get one in here about geocaching...
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