Friday, October 2, 2009

Technological wonders...

Here I sit, in the passenger seat of our 2006 Kia Sedona LX minivan, on our way to Birmingham, typing this blog post on my computer (I'm taking a break from the manual flowcharting of the Matlab code that I'm tasked to convert to C# since I was unable to locate a good auto-Matlab-flowcharter to use as a starting point). When I'm done, I will post this to my blog, courtesy of my phone's internet connection. Now, I'm not on 3G or anything (it's T-Mobile, and they don't have much in the way of 3G, although it's coming), nor do I even have their "smartphone internet plan" (which is something like $20 or $30 per month). No, I'm using the old T-Zones WAP (wireless access protocol) internet, on EDGE speed, via my Nokia E-71 phone and JoikuSpot light (that is, the free version). It's $5.99/month (too bad I didn't get in when it was $2.99). The Nokia does a great job of passing the "internet" requests over the T-Zones (or T-Mobile WAP) settings, even though I don't have "real" access to the internet (in fact, I've only found one application that doesn't seem to work over the T-Zones connections, and that's Google Talk via Pidgin). All-in-all, I'm pretty pleased with my setup so far (despite the "slow" internet speed - almost like being on dial-up again!).

Just thought I'd throw that out there for your reading pleasure. Back to work...

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