We just finished watching Bee Movie... it was amusing. It went back and forth between clever and stupid, but overall the "clever" beat the "stupid." (I guess that's what to expect from Jerry Seinfeld, eh?) I can't bee-lieve they missed the ending, though... at the end, you see the bees fly by, and the screen goes black, and the words "the end" show up on the screen. What they should have done was to have the bees fly by, freeze the screen on the tail/stinger of the main character, and have the words "bee end" show up on the screen... that would have been right in line with some of the other comedy in the show.
I wonder if there was some subtle underthemes in there... like making fun of frivolously stupid lawsuits, and how we should be careful about trying to make major changes to things (they'll work themselves out, like global warming: the planet will take care of itself; there's not a lot we should, or even can, do about it). Of course, I could just be reading things into it... did you ever wonder if those authors you read in your literature classes really meant any of the things you wrote about in your essays about their stories? Maybe they were just writing a story and didn't really have any underlying themes in there. For instance, my aunt, Peggy B. Jolly, wrote a college textbook called The Freshman Sampler. It's a collection of short stories. She asked if I wanted to write one for it, so I did: "The Dogs of Draaken" (you can pronounce it like "dracken" if you want, but really I was aiming for more like an old English "dracula" - sort of "drocken" perhaps). It's in that book (thus, I'm officially a published author!). After using the book in her class for a couple of semesters, she sent me a copy of the book as well as some of the essays some of her students wrote about my story, and all the underlying messages I'd subtly woven into it. Yeah, I didn't know I'd put all that stuff in there!

As a final note for this post, Π. That is, "Pi" - the Greek letter that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (you know, C=Πd, where C = circumference, d = diameter (and can be replaced with 2r, where r is the radius), and Π = Π). Why Π? To have a reason to post this video:
By the way, that's not the end of Pi - it's a non-repeating, infinite (?) sequence. Go read that Wikipedia article if you're interested in Pi... some strange stuff there, like a Chinese guy who recited 67,890 digits of Pi (over a 24-hour, 4-minute period) without error (apparently beaten by a Japanese man who recited 100,000 digits, but the article says that's not yet been confirmed by Guinness). Or the Cadaeic Cadenza, a story written such that the number of letters of the words in the story make up the first 3834 digits of Pi. (If you're interested, the text is here - I've not yet read it, so I've no knowledge about its content.)
Hope you've enjoyed this post! Hope it wasn't too hard to follow, or too long...
We had such a good time on this one day outing. I would like to clearify one thing though. The girls are not trying to be sore losers. You would just have to have been there. We had been searching for hours (literally) and we had found all but two items of the 25 without asking for help/hints from ANYONE. Then along came the guys and they wanted to trade information from us because they needed something we already had and at the time they had nothing we needed so we said no and walked on. Then they contact us less than 10 minutes later and say they are done. Now I can't tell you how many times they "traded information" but we had just found one thing and had one thing left to find (with a pretty good idea of where it might be)when we got the call from them. Now if they had not "Traded information" with anyone we would have won. That is our argument.
Well, they "say" they didn't need something we had... but they only had an idea where to find their last item because they had watched our youngest son showing someone else where to find something that we'd already found (and they hadn't)... :p
We filled in the blanks first - and actually physically observed every item - so we won. We didn't cheat - there were no rules, other than the understood rule that you had to observer each item for yourself, which we did. Victory still remains on our side. Actually, victory was had by all, I think: a good day out, nice weather, good friends and family, exercise, fun... yeah, victory was had by all. But the boys won the scavenger hunt. :)
I've wondered that, too, about found "hidden meanings".
I am so with you on that hidden meanings thing. I think about that a lot when we try to apply our critical eye to literature. I honestly believe most writers aren't purposefully trying to do this. I think they just develop a story and accidentally it says something about life, or has a theme, or makes a point about humanity or culture. I write all these poems and it is funny to see what people think that they mean when I read them. It was really just a "spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion".
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