Who in the world searches for "avoid to play song dead turkey"? And what does that mean, anyway? Sounds like someone who should be reading a post at the [LAPSE... brain dead] blog. But, ok, let's analyze it...
"Song dead turkey" - maybe this is referring to a goofy bird (or person) with a very poor tune...
"avoid to play" - hmm... "to play" may be referring to the action taken when inserting a quarter in a juke box and selecting a particular tune? With this in mind, perhaps "dead turkey" is the name of a song, thus "avoid to play song dead turkey" could be seeking guidance on how to not select the entry for the song "Dead Turkey" in a jukebox.
That must be it - "avoid to play song dead turkey" must be someone trying to find instructions on how to not select a song (which I've never heard; maybe I'll have to write one and add it to the Music of None Yet) when making choices at a jukebox.
You know, I'll bet the guy also drives a flex fuel vehicle to avoid depriving the yeti of his cold clime areas (as I discussed in this post).

We just finished decorating our CHRISTmas tree. Ok, not the best picture in the world, but I just snapped it w/ my phone (VGA-res., Motorola Razr V3 from T-Mobile; am too lazy to get up and get the real digital camera, and this one I can transfer to my laptop via Bluetooth, kinda cool... I also added a little bit of a "zoom blur" using Paint.Net, a pretty cool free photo-editing app - I know, I know, you're going to tell me to go look at Gimp... maybe I will, thanks). Anyway, we're perhaps a little late getting it up this year, but it's up, and it was a nice, enjoyable family time. But it's not a "Family Tree" like Lowe's "accidentally" called them in their 2007 catalog. I heard Rick & Bubba talking about this one morning... where Rick said something like, "Come on, you don't want to offend people? Who's going to be buying your trees anyway? The people who want them called 'Christmas trees!' That's basic marketing; if they are offended by the term 'Christmas tree' they're probably not going to be buying a tree in the first place" (I put that in quotes, but it's not a direct quote - it's my own paraphrased recollection/summarization of Rick's comments, with which I happen to agree). Lowe's wised up, fortunately... except maybe for this oddity. What is that? Supposedly it's to allow more room for stacking presents and to make the ornaments easier to see... whatever. It's just weird. Where is your tree-top angel going to sit? Maybe you put an army of angels on top... hey - maybe I do need that type of tree... my wife suggested that we need a new angel, but I love my 16-year-old angel that's been sitting on top of our tree since the first Christmas we were married. If we had an upside-down tree, we could put all sorts of angels on the "top" of the tree, and keep the oldie-but-goodie in there as well!
I'd better quit typing now before I get in too much trouble... :)
nice CHRISTmas tree...haven't put mine up yet, but will get around to it this week :)
As for that search query...I'm thinking it might be a song titled "avoid to play" by a band named Dead Turkey...? who knows.
nice blog!
Thanks... due to your encouragement, maybe I'll try to get a better picture of it so you can see all the ornaments... the horde of ornaments... I think we have about half-a-zillion on there, at least one dating back to 1977 (it was something I made in church as a kid, probably Sunday School or something).
Maybe I'll have to follow some of the links on the search page (where I'm now in the #1 spot due to this post) and see what all turns up.
What in the world...??
A "Switchit" tree? Uh...
It sounds to me like those crazy subtitles you can find, like You are a sacrifice article that I cut up rough now...
Warning: some language at the link.
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