Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rendering, anyone?

First, I apologize (I think there is a bad word at the end of this video, in the credits). Now that's out of the way, what you are about to see is NOT REAL. Not in any way. It's some guy's "spare time hobby" - he's modelled these cars in 3D software, animated them in video, and put his computer to work rendering the whole thing - for 110 days! Yep, he let his computer run for nearly 1/3 of a year to create the following video (note: it's too wide; click the video to view it on YouTube, and I suggest full-screen mode! Might be looking for a new blog template shortly...):

Don't know about you, but I'm impressed! This is just something the guy "threw together" for fun. I only really see one glitch in the whole thing (anyone else see it?). I just wish I had the spare time to do something like this. Oh, and maybe, you know, the crazy talent to be able to put it all together, too, of course. And I wish I could just play everyday (hey, Dean, did you catch that misuse of "everyday"? That was just for you!).


  1. I don't know enough about it to fully appreciate, but it looked pretty awesome. I did notice a typo :)

  2. Yeah, but the guy's Russian or something, so that's understandable.

    He's crazy awesome good at the animation, thing, though; check out this one.

    And he's a sense of humor (that's "he has" not "he is"); check out this one.

    At least, I found it funny/amusing.

  3. I hope you don't mind that I'm not going to watch it just yet. Still working on my morning coffee and not ready for automation. Still friends?

    I do like the new template, though.

  4. By the way: thanks for liking the new template!
