Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blogger count still off?

I just noticed that, when I go to "edit posts," it shows "of 111" meaning I have 111 posts on my blog. When I look at the "post archive" on my blog page, it shows 112 (53 in 2008 and 59 in 2007). November shows 40 posts, but looking at the number of posts, there are only 39. What's wrong with blogger? It can't seem to count! Stupid computer thing. Oh, and I suppose it'll be 112/113/54/59 after I post this, uh, post...

And my daughter said a computer can't make a mistake, can't do something on its own. (This comment stems from our periodically ongoing discussion as to whether there is really any difference between a frog and a laptop computer. More generally, it's a discussion on the true definition of life... whether a laptop computer can be considered to be alive - I argue that, according to all the definitions of "life" that she has offered, I can say that my laptop computer is a living being. If you're interested, I can put some of the discussion points in a blog post sometime.)

Hey, short post this time! Go do something nice for yourself in celebration. Oh, and go vote on my post poll and let me know which type of posts you prefer...

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