Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You don't say

I saw this stack of cups in the kitchen cabinet at work. It deserted a post on my blog. In case you can't read the wrapper in the picture, it says, "Party Cups" on the upper label. Then, on the subtitle (so-to-speak), it says, "Great For Parties." You don't say. The redundancy gods (devils?) have, once more, struck again. :) Oh, be on the lookout for a coming post about the English obfuscation genie in the hopefully not too distant future.


  1. It's a shame that the bag of cups abandoned your post.

  2. he he! - John, I noticed that too, but I was going to be nice and not say anything. However, "the obfuscation genie". What in the world? I have to get my dictionary out now. At least it's handy since we started school. ;)
    Tony, it's good to have you back. I've been sick of seeing the 'spot the difference' blog for over a week, which, BTW you didn't tell me whether or not I was correct. I've been holding my breath all this time.

  3. Yeah, I wondered who would notice first. I like Christy's "I noticed but didn't want to say anything" comment - we all know you're just trying to pretend you noticed! :)

    Oh, and go check the new comment on the "spot the difference" post.

    Keep looking for the obfuscation genie post... coming soon. But first I may work on my other blog... I was recently inspired to continue my "how to colonize the solar system" series.

  4. whew! It feels good to exhale. And I DID TOO NOTICE so there! ;)

  5. Of course, I don't even pretend to me nice :p

  6. I was about to say...but I see it's been covered. The 't' is nowhere near the 'v', though...?

  7. Ahh... "t" - "v" ... it's a T9 connection. I posted this blog from my phone, via MMS (picture message, vs. SMS which is text message: SMS = simple message service, MMS = multimedia message service, or something like that I think), hence "deserved" and "deserted" use the same keystrokes in T9. I didn't look at the word (needed to press "*" to change "deserted" into "deserved") before sending. Bad of ("of" and "me" are frequent mis-T9s I see).

    There are a couple of posts on "fun with phones" over on Dean's blog you might enjoy (if you've not already read them):

    - Fun With Predictive Text
    - Fun With Camera Phones

  8. quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
