Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where am I?

This is where I am right now (see the picture). Anyone know where this is? If you want a hint, my GPSr shows my coordinates to be 33 degrees 59.336 minutes N and 086 degrees 27.387 minutes W, with an accuracy of around 23 feet. Elevation is 1313 feet. Guesses? (Oh, and I'm at a family reunion. Wife's family.)


  1. Well, best I can tell after plugging a lot of coordinates into various maps and scratching my head, I have discovered that you guys are somewhere southeast of Greenland and southwest of Iceland, in the middle of the sea.,-27.3870&ie=UTF8&ll=69.037142,-27.421875&spn=30.933096,112.5&z=3

    I hope you brought plenty of warm clothing and changes of socks!

    And I thought my in-laws were a little odd!

  2. Heh... you left off the first part of the coordinates, the degrees part. That's the "big" part that threw your mapping off... :)

  3. By the way, you forgot the elevation part - at 1313 feet, we'd be falling at an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 (meters/second squared). For a little while, anyway. :)

    If you want to cheat, here's a map of the location.

    Any more guesses?

  4. Palisades Park near Oneonta, where else?

  5. We have a winner! Too bad all you get is the pride of being right... :)

    Yes, it's Palisades Park in Oneonta. Here's a Google Map of the coord. Nice place... just watch where you put your foot! Some pretty serious drop-offs abound.

  6. PS - I love the "in-laws" comment, Dean!
