Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hedgehog Launch

For those who may not know, it's addictively fun to launch hedgehogs into space (if you don't already know, click the link and prepare to be amusingly addicted to a stupid-yet-too-much-fun game; you need to beat the game at least once - and watch through all the credits - in order to learn some amazing science facts!). For those who do, marvel at my accomplishment indicated by the partial screenshot to the left - I completed the mission of putting a hedgehog in space in only three days (surprising even myself). I've only done that twice. I think I got lucky both times. I'm getting better, though... I did manage to nearly duplicate this mind-boggling (or maybe mind-numbing, depending on your point of view) feat tonight, although I missed space on the third day just barely (I did make it on day four, of course). Now, not all my attempts are this fantastic - sometimes it takes six days, or nine. Sometimes, especially if I miss the three-day mark, I'll just send my hedgehog all over the place and try to rack up a princely sum of money (not that I can do anything with it once I've bought all the available upgrades).

On a less fantastic note, I'm having issues with the Samsung Katalyst phone that we got my wife to use with T-Mobile's Hotspot@Home service (this is slightly different from their T-Mobile@Home service which they've recently announced). The tech support guy was trying to tell me that it was because we hadn't registered our home address as the E-911 address that we can't connect the phone to our wireless router. Yeah, right. It's probably the router I have (I didn't get the T-Mobile one), although the phone has connected before. And this is the third Katalyst we've gotten (first had horrible battery life; second rebooted quite frequently; now neither the second nor the third will connect to my home wireless network). Whatever... one of these days my technological life will be nice and I'll have 100% working everything. (Yeah, right.)

Well, only a few more days to submit your ideas for my next great post (ok, maybe my first great post; ok, simply "another mindless, non-great post" - shut up already!). I'd have worked on it tonight, but I'm kind of [brain dead] at the moment. (What, you say, is the difference then? Compared to my "regular" posts? Shut up already!)

Going to go launch some hedgehogs...


  1. wow... only took me 45 days

  2. I discovered just how A.D.D. I was when I played. I didn't complete a mission, but loved the game!

  3. alright, down to 20.... but dang you to heck for showing me this game.

  4. You're welcome! Just keep at it... you'll get there. Of course, for a three-day completion, it takes more than skill... you have to get lucky on day 1, too.

  5. Awesome! Keep it up, you're almost there...
