Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dental inquiry

So, I went to the dentist today. Have you ever noticed how a dentist (or dental technician - why are they called technicians when they clean your teeth? shouldn't they be called "dental janitors" or something? Ok, I know they're called "dental hygienists" too) will wrap his/her hands in sterile gloves, grab a sterile utensil (at my dentist the tools are unwrapped from a sealed package just before use), and then grab the overhead lamp handle which is simply "out there" (i.e., not sterilized) before sticking his/her hands in your mouth? Does anyone else see the absurdity in this sequence?

This afternoon I was looking up some information on a movie and found some user reviews; among the views was a guy who called himself:


Did you catch that? "Allen Teh Awesome" - not "the" awesome but "teh" awesome. Awesome, eh?

PS: the stump's still in the ground...


  1. LALALALA! I can't hear you talking about the dentist! LALALALA!

    BTW, Haley has to go tomorrow. One of her molars broke today!

  2. I may have already mentioned this, but once upon a time I broke a molar while eating a Spree. I was only about an inch into the roll of Sprees, too. I finished the roll on the other side of my mouth and had the tooth looked at at my next dental checkup (which happened to be the next week or the week after, and the tooth wasn't hurting - it had a large filling already, which is probably why it broke - so I didn't bother with an unscheduled appointment) and repaired with a crown in a follow-up visit.

  3. Leet speak is awesome? Well, to my sons it is, and I find it amusing for the most part, but I don't know about awesome...
