Monday, May 12, 2008

Geocaching post #2

Been a while... sorry about that, got busy. If you liked the last post on global warming, be sure to check out Not-tional Geographic (there'll be a new GW-related post soon - like, when I finish this one). Anyway, we went geocaching again this weekend, and I suppose, since I have "geocaching" listed as an interest, I should post about that every now and then.

Saturday we (75% of my children and I) attended a "World Wide Flash Mob" - an event where a bunch of people suddenly arrive at a place, do something (typically something a bit out of the ordinary), and then quickly leave. We were at the one indicated at the link above (although we were a few minutes late arriving), and there were simultaneous WWFMs all over the globe. Pretty neat idea. Wish I'd been on time.

Sunday we took mom out for a stroll on a nice, nearby greenway, and managed to find a fairly new cache while we were out (and not find one as well). Most of the ones on this greenway we've already found. It was a nice day, not too hot, but we did take a long walk (about 3.8 miles - a lot for a guy who mainly walks to & from the car!).

Ok, time to go do the other blog now (if I can fit it into also watching "Last of the Mohicans" - if not, look for it soon!).

UPDATE: new post on Not-tional Geographic... check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Well, look at you with your #2 GC blog post! Good to see you are getting out there again (and writing about it). We went to a WWFM Event too, in our neck of the woods! All over in blog land geocachers are writing about their WWFM Day Events. Cool stuff.
