Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Movie Renters Anonymous: my wife needs a 12-step program. Everytime she "returns" a movie, she rents two more... ack! Help! :)


  1. Thanks for the suggestion... I think maybe the Blockbuster one would be better, since you can exchange in the store (if you have the right plan). We've considered those, actually! I like the library's cost - free - but their selection isn't always great. She is getting them from the movie stand at Publix, though.

    Once upon a time we had an idea to have a movie rental store where everything is $1, for one night's rental, called "The One Night Stand." But (obviously) we never put that together.

  2. The first step is admitting you have a problem... I have a problem. ;o) Now we just have to find the next 11.

  3. Would it be:

    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - don't rent a movie
    - rent a movie
    - rent a movie
    - rent a movie
    - rent a movie

    ... wait ... um ...

  4. I thought the whole idea was to NOT enter Blockbuster again! That's why I suggested Netflix.

  5. Actually, the main idea was not to spend 78% of my salary on movie rentals... especially when we end up with late fees. But, like I said, she got these from the Publix Movie thing. (Incidentally, Blockbuster wasn't mentioned in the original post, not until my comment following your comment, so you couldn't have known where she was renting movies. Or maybe I've mentioned this before... :)

    Ok, 78% may be a slight exaggeration. :)

  6. 1) Rent from least they're $1 each.

    2) Flee temptation. Move to a small town that only has one video store and one Redbox (like guess who do).

    3) Designate fewer nights as "movie night".

    4) Lose interest in movies. :) You know, most of the time that we do go to our Movie Gallery with no particular movie in mind, we come away with no movie rented 'cuz nothing appealed to us. So few movies coming out these days do...

  7. "Incidentally, Blockbuster wasn't mentioned in the original post, not until my comment following your comment, so you couldn't have known where she was renting movies. Or maybe I've mentioned this before..."

    WHATEVER!! You knew what I meant!

  8. Good suggestions, Amateur! Or we could do away with our TV and VCR/DVD player (the latter doesn't work well anyway). That would save me the hassle of upgrading to digital before the analog goes away in 2009. Wait, I already used one of my converter coupons to get a digital converter box...

    The netflix/blockbuster thing... well, on the one hand, netflix would prevent needing to enter blockbuster (or Publix or whatever), but she'd (ok, we'd) probably go anyway. At least with the blockbuster mail-plan, we could exchange the movies in the store, and we'd have a known, set monthly fee we'd be paying...
