Monday, April 28, 2008

Food: things I don't like (and those I do)

Given the last post and its comments, I thought this a fitting continuation. Here are some foods I don't like (and related ones I do):
  • Cheese (but I do like to eat nachos with cheese, mac & cheese, and pizza, but not Chicago-style pizza; when I get the Stack Attack at Wendy's, I always order it minus cheese; back when they had a two-cheeseburger meal at McDonald's, I'd order that minus cheese, too, since they didn't have a similar two-hamburger meal - on more than one occasion they actually took two hamburgers, wrapped them in cheeseburger wrappers, and put "special" stickers on them!)
  • Tomatoes (but I like salsa, ketchup, catsup (wait, didn't I already mention that? why is it spelled at least two different ways?), and tolerate spaghetti sauce)
  • Spaghetti (it's ok, actually; but I do like SpaghettiO's)
  • Chocolate ice cream (but I do like hot fudge sundaes - with vanilla ice cream - and vanilla with chocolate syrup and brownie a-la-mode with vanilla)
  • Most ice cream flavors other than vanilla (I do like - ok, really like, it's my favorite - the cinnamon at Marble Slab - especially with graham cracker mixed in - as well as their amaretto flavor)
  • Pickles (but I like cucumbers)
  • Lasagna (but I like Hamburger Helper's lasagna flavor)
  • Most Italian food (unless it's a canned variety, like Chef Boyardee, then it's usually OK)
  • Most things on the bone (ribs, chicken, etc; I like pork chops, though, even though they're typically served on the bone) - but this is probably my laziness and my lack of wanting to "dig in with my fingers" that bone-food requires (I'd probably not have been much of a caveman, but then again, I don't mind eating ants...)
Well, that's a start of a list. Maybe, if I think of more, I'll add it in the comments. Feel free to add your own to the list...


  1. Boy, am I glad I'm not cooking for you! ;)

  2. LOL! I walked right into that one, didn't I? I did think after my post that cooking for you might actually be easy. It doesn't get any easier than canned spaghetti now, does it?

    As far as my dislikes: SEAFOOD. I don't eat anything that swims.

  3. Guess you wont' be going to Italy anytime soon...

  4. "Anything that swims" - that isn't necessarily a valid definition of "seafood" is it? I mean, ducks swim, but they aren't considered seafood. On the other hand, crabs don't particularly swim, but are seafood.

    I would love to visit Italy... I probably wouldn't care so much for the food, but the sights would be cool. And I'm especially fond of Italian cars!

  5. Oops....please forgive the typo in "won't"...

  6. Well, I wouldn't want to eat duck, either, and I knew you would point out the crab thing. Either way, you get the jest of what I was saying.

  7. Ok, I missed the typo ("wont'")... but it's "gist" (the main point or part : essence) - not "jest" (an utterance (as a jeer or quip) intended to be taken as mockery or humor; a frivolous mood or manner). :) Guess I'm in a mean mood today, sorry... or maybe you really did mean jest...
