Friday, March 21, 2008

Facebook Picture Plug

Hey... if you have a Facebook account, I highly recommend putting a good, recognizable picture of yourself in your profile. This way, when people search for you, they can see whether or not you're the one they're actually seeking. For instance, I recently went through the "friend finder" there searching for an old Navy mate. Fairly unique name, so not a lot of hits to run through, but his picture, very obviously him, is what sold me on contacting him through "add a friend." And you know what? It was him. (If you care, here's my Facebook profile... I realize now I should probably change my picture there, but I'll get to that later.)

So, I guess there's something to this "social networking" thing after all... Amateur was right! Hope to see you all there sometime...


  1. So does this mean you're leaving myspace?

  2. No, not quite... but you'll likely see fewer updates. Actually, Anthony Stephens invited me to his mob in Mob Wars on facebook, and I've been playing that a lot. I'd invite you, but you don't seem to have a facebook account... :)

    But don't worry, my myspace (isn't that redundant?) won't be abandoned.

  3. I might join facebook, I dunno. Dwight seems to think that the myspace thing is what's causing our PC to be so slow.

  4. Hmm, well, I did send you a message at facebookworld (I think I accidentally sent it twice), but I'm not sure if it went through...

  5. Yeah, I don't see your messages on my Facebook inbox... maybe we have to be friends first? :) Weird... I have to "officially" make my friends my friends on these things... I know it makes sense, it just seems slightly strange.

    Anyway, feel free to send a friend request along with a message so I'll know who you are...

  6. You don't; I know, I've sent messages to my son's friends (who certainly don't want to be "friends" with their pal's mom! but don't mind returning the occasional comment). It's a conspiracy, you see. "THEY" don't want us to talk...I bet it's those light bulbists...
