Monday, March 17, 2008

Best fast food ever

For those not familiar with Milo's, see the picture. This place is my favorite fast food in the world. Well, in the places they serve it anyway.. Only their tea has made it to the Huntsville area.. Which is a shame. Then again, if it WERE in Huntsville, I'd probably spend all my income there and never get out of debt.


  1. I wonder if it's better than Quizno's. We went there yesterday after church and all I can say is "YUCK!". I won't be going there again. Besides, we could've eaten at Casa Blanca or Applebee's for it cost to eat at Quizno's! I was not impressed.

  2. Well, it sure looks good, and it kinda cracked me up because I have been thinking about doing some posts about food, esp. fast food. Food is actually the number one thing I think about, but I was afraid...what will people think? Will they realize I have some weird food obsession (as opposed to some weird geocaching obsession) and not want to comment? Will it make them think I have a weight problem? I don't know, I am kind of inspired by your post. those fries look so good I just want to grab one...

  3. Wow, my "food post" is garnering more comments than my non-food posts!

    Those fries, which are covered in popcorn-type seasoning, the orange-salt, have been voted "best in Birmingham" many, many times. I agree!

    I've never eaten at Quizno's... and doubt I ever will. I'll probably stick to Subway when it comes to subs. We had Casa Blanca Sunday... very good, too filling (I think I mentioned that already). And, yeah, Casa Blanca is pretty reasonable when you get the lunch specials... typically not much more than most fast food places. And you can always just eat chips & salsa, and maybe a bean or cheese dip, with your drink, and then take your meal home in a carry-out box to have for dinner, and you get two meals for the price of one!

  4. PS - the sauce on the burgers, while very messy, is unique and VERY DELICIOUS!
