Monday, February 4, 2008

Retelling of an older, strange dream...

Since I've posted one strange dream, let me recount another I had a few years ago. I was at my aunt's house, at night, outside, and some big bat-like creature came along, took a bite out of the moon, and it started bleeding/turned red. Weird, kind of disturbed me.

That night there was a full lunar eclipse.

I guess I must have heard something about the eclipse on the radio or news or something and it didn't register consciously, but my subconscious picked up on it, hence the dream.

Of course, one of my weirdest dream episodes ever is also one of my earliest memories; I was staying at my Grandmom B's house, and was sick (I think) and had been given cold medicine or something (I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I think that was the origin; it could have been Benadryl elixir after antbites, but I'm pretty sure this was cold-related). Anyway, apparently I had lots of little Disney toys and some zoo or Noah's ark animals in the bed with me. I "awoke" to Mickey and Donald (along with the other animals) wanting me to play cards with them. That freaked me out. Later I was being chased by this blue-plaid stuffed horse with white hair that I had - it was large enough for small children to "ride" on - and it kept wanting to play with me, but I was terrified; eventually I saw it hiding behind the folded up picnic table (the old, wooden kind with metal legs that folded up into a fairly flat thing) on my Grandmom's side porch, and I was afraid of that area for many years thereafter. I guess that was all dreaming, though.

Ok, you want more, huh? How about this one: I was again at my Grandmom B's house, and someone had broken into the house with a machine gun. I tried to get out, but ended up on the counter in the kitchen, and this guy came in and was about to shoot me. I was really, truly scared in that one, facing death (I've since realized there really isn't anything to be scared of in death, other than perhaps jobs left undone, such as taking care of my family; I was young at the time, though).

When I was in 9th grade, shortly after moving into a new (to us) house, I had a terrible fever, and went to bed. It was raining. I awoke to the water level rising up to the third-story window of my bedroom and starting to pour in the window. I also saw the dinosaurs, brontosaurus (which actually isn't a real dinosaur) and such, fighting outside (I think that was the tall pines blowing in the wind). I also saw something evil - demons or witches or something - in my closet - which made me not use that closet for a while. (Actually, I rarely used it anyway, instead leaving my stuff all over my room and bed; in fact, my bed typically had 1/2 available for my sleeping and 1/2 covered with various junk.)

Before moving to that house, sometime after moving into my own bedroom, I awoke to my bedroom door - which I'd shut before going to bed - being opened the wrong way (instead of in, it was opened outward, and the hinges were on the wrong side). There was a ghost in the doorway, and it said, "Get oooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuut!" with that long, starting-high-and-falling pitch that ghosts use. Boy, that scared me! I was probably somewhere in the 3rd through 5th grade at the time. After lying there paralyzed by fear for a good 15-30 minutes, I rolled over to look at the clock which read something like 1:30. The next morning I told my mom about it, and apparently our dog at the time (a Russian wolfhound) liked to howl at the full moon...

Also once in that house, while my parents were out and my brother and I were home, he was upstairs (sleeping, I think) and I was lying on the couch reading or watching TV or something, when I heard someone break into the nursery room (converted garage; the youngest brother was being watched elsewhere). I just knew some burgler was going to come in and kill me, but what could I do? I just stayed frozen on the couch, hoping the TV noises would make him go away. He never came though; eventually my parents got home. Apparently the water heater, out in the former garage, sometimes made loud, banging sounds...

Stay tuned... maybe I'll have another weird dream to share sometime...

1 comment:

  1. As a footnote, you might check out this guy's dream - it was quite a bit weird, too. (Warning: implied, acronymic foul language at that post, and if you continue to the remainder of his blog it'll pop up from time to time; don't go if that would offend you.)
