Sunday, February 24, 2008

Quick post

Just thought I'd update you all... so you don't think I'm out walking somewhere! :)

Thursday night the brakes went out on our van (1995 Mercury Villager; actually, I guess they didn't really "go out" since they locked up with a sticking left-front caliper); Friday night I gouged a nice section of my head out on the keyboard drawer mount of my computer desk while trying to crawl under it to find a cable (which, naturally, wasn't there anyway) - naturally it's in a place where there isn't any hair to hide the injury; Saturday afternoon the alternator went out on our 1994 Lexus LS400. Looks like the Lexus has the "power steering leak causes alternator failure" issue... so it's going to be a bit more expensive than just replacing the alternator (which is already over $140 for parts). Fun, eh?

Fortunately a guy at our church loaned us his Dodge Durango to use until we can get something running (it's really a blessing to have a great church family - people who will support and help you when you need it most), and it looks like another family has an extra vehicle they aren't using and are going to loan us (the Durango was being used by the first family, so we'd like to return it as soon as possible). Hopefully we'll be able to get the van's brakes fixed tomorrow (I plan to take the day off from work; haven't decided whether to do it myself or just take it to a shop - I really don't want to get into it myself, because, well, I just don't feel like it right now, but I might anyway in order to save a few bucks).

Ok, now you're all up to date on my current vehicular situation (well, other than the fact that I also have a 67 Mustang that needs more brake work than the van as well as a carburetor and perhaps an engine rebuild, and a 2005 Suzuki SV-650 motorcycle that's in need of a handlebar and a shift lever after I laid it down back on Halloween eve of 07; now you're up-to-date!). Sorry for bothering you all with this... I may not leave this post up for long, so read it while you can! (Or not.) Until next time... a topato!


  1. I am sorry you are having so much trouble with your vehicles. I will pray you will be back on the road in no time. hope you head feels better soon too.

  2. Thanks; same to you (back on the road soon, "head" feeling better, etc. :). At least I have a reason to take off work tomorrow...

  3. Well, let's see, do you want sympathy, words of wisdom, or both? SORRY! I have neither! HA! Just kidding, of course. Humor is usually the way I tend to go, so there you are! :) Did you like the karate kitty I sent to you on myspace? I don't really like cats, but if they're dancing, why not?

  4. Actually, what I'd like is a stable of brand new vehicles of my own choosing, but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon... :)

    Humor is good. I did enjoy the kung-fu-cat pic; actually, I think I'm more of a cat person, because they're easier (to me) to keep. But the family seems to be partial to dogs, so we have a dog (and a stray - anyone need a dog?). We had a guinea pig for a while, but it died (we now have two buried in our backyard).

  5. Wow someone just was able to lend out their Durango to you like that? That is incredible! You have some great people in your circle, my friend!

    Hopefully the car troubles get fixed pronto!

  6. Yes, it's really cool to be part of a great church fellowship that is so responsive to fellow Christians in need. Not only the Durango, but we are actually borrowing two vehicles at the moment. Anyway, thanks for the well-wishes on the car situation... look for a follow on post regarding that soon.
