Thursday, February 28, 2008


Stupid, stupid! I just accidentally ate a pint of vanilla ice cream (after having seconds on dinner, mind you). It was "my" ice cream, so I just grabbed the container and a spoon, but never quite stopped to put it back in the freezer before it was all gone. Oops. Oh well...

I'm watching Survivor right now. The problem I have with Survivor is the name... they change it every season. For example, this season it's Survivor: Micronesia-Fans vs. Favorites - the key part being "Survivor: Micronesia." Why is that a problem? TiVo doesn't recognize it as the same as previous seasons. Meaning my "Season Pass" doesn't carry over, and if I forget to set it up, it won't record it for me. Thus I often miss the season premiere of the new season of Survivor. Stupid TiVo, or maybe stupid CBS. Or maybe stupid me for not setting it up, but I don't want to admit this point, so I'll blame TiVo and CBS.

So, does anyone know if older (Series 1) TiVos will work with the forthcoming DTV converters (I have already ordered my DTV converter box coupons)? I hate to think that I'm going to lose the usefulness of my lifetime TiVo subscription because of the government's changing of the over-the-air broadcast television spectrum. Maybe it's time to consider a class-action lawsuit against the government over this (I wonder if there are enough over-the-air TiVo subscribers to qualify as a "class" for a "class action lawsuit")... especially since TiVo no longer offers lifetime subscriptions. (I know, I know, MythTV or BeyondTV or something... but I've already paid for - well, my dad paid for, and gave to me as a gift - a TiVo lifetime subscription.) I mean, I've already patched my TiVo hardware - the internal modem was fried by lightening, so I hooked up an external modem (haven't bothered to get a network card to put it on my home network) via the strange serial connection it provides. Hey, Carter... is Canada following suit on the Digital TV conversion in February, 2009? Maybe I should just move to Canada... I assume TiVo works there...

Agh! I'm getting frustrated by all this "internet advertising"... I just wanted to look up an area code that showed up on my caller ID (it was a Maine, 207, area code; not sure why someone's calling me from Maine), so I went to this page (from a Google search: area code lookup), entered 207, and was taken to an advertisement (with a little "skip" link on the upper right corner). I'm seeing similar things on the CNet website... really irritating. I know they have to make money with advertising, but they really don't have to be so obnoxious about it, do they?

And now I'm watching some (animated? irritating? strange? mentally disturbed? I don't know what adjective to use here...) girl on "Don't Forget the Lyrics"... where do they find these people for these game shows? I can't imagine they'd ever pick me for such a show... I'm just not animated enough, I think.

Ok, Wikipedia... this video from "The Office" (featuring Steve Carell - I'm looking forward to Get Smart - does anyone else remember The Nude Bomb?) says it all:

Yeah, that's all he has to say about that. I love that clip. And I love wikipedia (why don't I marry it, then? because I'm already happily married, thanks!). Seriously, though... it's a community-peer-reviewed information source, so while not necessarily 100% accurate, it's generally fairly credible. And it's quick, and typically quite comprehensive.

We were supposed to go get our new (to us) van today, but they weren't finished detailing it, and it will be tomorrow before it's ready for us. Argh! My impatience is flaring up again... one of my greatest spiritual gifts, I think (along with criticism and pride...). Heh-heh, kidding, of course... those are a few of the areas where I need probably the most work - I am working on those areas. Sometimes.

Ack... this girl on "Lyrics" is driving me crazy... but maybe it's me (it's I? I think "I" is correct here, but I'm leaving "me" anyway, sorry), not her (she?)...


  1. Man, I hate it when I accidentally eat all of the icecream!

    I'm sorry about your TIVO thing. I don't know anything about it (big surprise, I know), so I can't help you WITH that.

    I like The Office clip, although it does try my patience BECAUSE it takes too long to come on.

    I hope you get your van today. It stinks that it's raining, though, after all that detailing they did!

  2. I used to watch Get Smart as a kid, a little, and did see The Nude Bomb, but when I watched a small portion of the Oscars the other night and the new Maxwell Smart was a presenter, after his little bit was done I turned to my hubby and said, "Now I know I don't want to see the new Get Smart movie."

  3. Hmmm, what did he do to make you say that, Amateur? When I saw the previews at the movies I thought he would make a great Maxwell Smart. I hope he doesn't disappoint. You know I think that Steve Martin was an awesome Inspector what's-his-name for the Pink Panther.

    Sorry, Tony, not much to do w/ your blog, huh?

  4. That's ok... I just like having comments, even if it has nothing at all to do with my blog!

    I also did enjoy Steve Martin in "The Pink Panther" - that whole movie was great.

    The delay loading YouTube clips is getting annoying... I don't know if it's a network congestion thing, or if the YouTube servers are just getting overloaded. My internet speed seems to be pretty decent, though, so I tend to think it's either on YouTube's side or other internet congestion.

    We did get the van today... and I still haven't driven it (Ninfa has; I've driven similar vans, just not exactly the one we bought). Funny thing - they had two remotes and only one key. The guy's going to see if he can find the second key at the original lot, and if he can't he'll get us a second one ordered or cut. So at the moment I can get into the van, but can't start it (Ninfa has the key).

    I missed Steve Carell on the Oscars... but I don't think I watched much of it, anyway.

    I think this comment may have its ideas out of order... sorry, I'm a bit tired. Long day, all that. Looking forward to getting some sleep in a little while...
