Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Just finished watching Knight Rider... and I must say, I'm disappointed. Not quite as bad as Bionic Woman, but the premiere didn't leave me longing for more. Maybe (hopefully) it'll get better. I much preferred the original (then again, maybe it was as bad, and I just didn't realize it because I was young at the time). And, of course, KITT is supposed to be a Trans Am... it would have been a great opportunity for GM to get some more publicity of the forthcoming (possible) Camaro platform (assuming they also build a Firebird/Trans Am variant).

And even TiVo let me down this time - there was a sweepstakes on the Knight Rider show, where you have a chance to win a Mustang or one of several other Ford vehicles. I went to sign up for it, watching the show tonight, and the sweepstakes was only for the time that the show was on - I missed it! If anybody wants to offer me a new Mustang GT to go along with my 67, I'd gladly accept it. For example, the forthcoming 2008 Mustang Bullitt. Yeah, I could accept one of those from my readers... along with one of those Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 phones.

You know (actually, you probably don't, but will momentarily), there is this guy at work who is incredibly intelligent. He's the smartest guy I know, I think; even smarter than yours truly (and I still don't understand why that's a synonym for "I" or "me"). And his handwriting is horrible - I mean, barely legible at all. So, I have a theory: handwriting legibility must be inversely proportional to intelligence (mine's pretty lousy, but then again, maybe it's my own perception of intelligence...). No offense intended if you have lovely handwriting.

A note to anyone doing math: DO IT IN PENCIL! My daughter is always doing her math in pen, and I'm always getting very upset by it. People should always do math in pencil. If I were a math teacher, I'd mark any work done in pen wrong, zero credit. Math should be done in pencil. Good thing I'm not my daughter's math teacher...

A new pet peeve: the MySpace IM doesn't support "<ctrl>+<backspace>" to delete the previous word. That (<ctrl>+<backspace>) is one of my favorite keyboard shortcuts these days, especially since my typing's often not so good (plenty quick, but often the wrong word or words or letters). And I also frequently find that I end up adding an extra "e" to words, but I do that more often when writing in my print/cursive mix that I call handwriting. Don't know why, I just do, usually to words that end in a single consonant, if I recall correctly. Weird.

Enough of this post... it's really rambling now...

1 comment:

  1. Knight Rider was a total let down. It was a lame and very lengthy Ford commerical - at best! I was disappointed in the bad language, bad acting and bad script. Maybe we can blame it on the writers strike? I dunno.
