Saturday, January 5, 2008

They gave it a shot...

But the Redskins came up short. Too bad their offense didn't play through the game like they did in the last few minutes of the 3rd quarter and into the 4th quarter, and that their defense didn't play like they have the last few games. Too bad there's a stupid rule of "down by contact" (or whatever) when a kickoff is recovered by the kicking team (otherwise Washington would've scored TD #3 on that strangely missed by the Seahawks kickoff after they took the lead 14-13). Too bad their offensive line wasn't able to give Collins a little more time early in the game. Too bad, too bad, too bad...

But they gave it a good try. My only question now is, when will the 'skins finally put it all together? They have the talent (assuming it stays healthy); they have the coach (assuming he keeps coaching); they have the will (look at the end of their regular season); they just need to get it going, keep it going, and pick up a break or two. Next year? Hopefully.

But for now, I guess there's not much reason to keep watching the NFL ... at least until next season, anyway ... :)

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