Tuesday, January 15, 2008

GMail for Mobile, anyone?

Stupid phone (Samsung T429). Stupid T-Mobile (T-Zones). Stupid GMail for Mobile (uh, Mobile GMail - better to click that from a mobile phone). IT'S NOT WORKING AGAIN (in case you couldn't tell). I guess I'm just going to have to give up and get some sort of smartphone or something (like a Blackberry or a Treo or some HTC device, or maybe something with - egad - Windows Mobile). If only I was rich... :)

Anyway, some questions: anyone out there get GMail Mobile to work (reliably and consistently) with the Openwave browser that comes on low-end Samsungs? Particularly on T-Mobile's T-Zones plan? Every other WAP site seems to work, and quite a few non-WAP sites as well, but the GMail (or really any Google mobile site) login page doesn't want to work (or when it does, it won't get past the secure login page).

Other than that, anyone have suggestions, recommendations, or thoughts on various smartphones, PDA phones, and the like? Including where to get one really cheap (or even free)? If you have info on the latter, feel free to e-mail it to me at the link above if it's limited information (e.g., a single phone offered for free), so that I won't lose the chance to act on the opportunity if someone else reads your comment before I. (Yes, that's grammatically correct: there's an understood "do" verb at the end of the sentence, thus requiring the subjective "I" instead of the objective "me.")

You know, even a good, uber-cheap or free non-T-Mobile but unlocked (so it can be used on any network) GSM cell phone might be usable... since I could likely then install the GMail mobile Java Midlet application and not have to bother with the WAP browser for that site anyway.

Thanks in advance...


  1. Hello... I'm the author of this post, but you might find it useful to go to this Google Group post and see what's going on there, and perhaps put your information on there as requested by the Google Mobile Guy.

    Oh, wait, I'm the author of the post, and I already did that... but I wanted to offer this idea to anyone else reading. Still looking for suggestions as per the initial post... :)

  2. Can you say "Verizon Wireless"? :) We have never, ever had problems with ours. Of course, we don't have e-mail on our phones. But I would think Verizon would be top notch. That is what you're talking about right? Dwight is looking into buying an EnV green phone (we get "new every two" and it's due now - ha! that rhymed!). Just a thought.

  3. Totally off the phone subject - that quote of the day you have is the WEIRDEST quote I've ever read! WEIRD!

  4. Which "Interesting Quote" would that be? They're randomly selected from over 100 quotes I have sitting off in cyberspace somewhere, so I've no idea to which one you're referring.

    As far as verizon, I dunno... if only my T-Zones worked reliably, I think I'd be happy with T-Mobile. Their rate plans are pretty good. And while their tech support is staffed by moro- er, less-than-tech-savvy people, they're oh-so-friendly when you have to talk to them.

  5. I wanted to come and read a blog or two since you think I don't love you if I don't read your blogs. So there you go...

    Just out of curiosity(sp)why do you get upset and want me to read this stuff daily if it is stuff that you have talked with me about already? Example: I already knew about the day you were born and people died sight, and the T-moble problems, and the redskins losing. See, you think I don't listen to you ;o)

    You should do a blog about renting movies and then not watching them and having to pay $200 dollars in late fees (that is, ofcourse, an exaggeration). I could comments a lot on that, since I do it all the time.

  6. Oh, I know you love me... even if you don't read my blog. Otherwise you wouldn't have put up with me for these past 16+ years...

  7. aawww ok. quit with the mushy stuff I think I might hurl. LOL

  8. I'd recommend you not LOL too much if you think you might hurl... :)
