Saturday, January 5, 2008


That is, "weblog marathon." Well, here's my third post of the day. What a waste of time! :) Of course, I'm sitting on my couch waiting on the Redskins to play (starts at 3:30 CST). Go 'skins!

I'm also eating chili, recovering from donating platelets yesterday (ok, not much to recover, but my left arm, the "taking it out" arm, is a bit sore) for a friend's brother who needs them in order to undergo a kidney transplant (consider donating blood or platelets if you're not a current donor), and making up silly songs like this:

The Pocket Furniture Song

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Ok, that's really bad, I admit. Took all of about 30 seconds to compose. I must give credit for the "midget" line to my youngest; he's 9 and loves to sing. And I know there's a grammatical error in there, but I did it for the sake of the rhyme. Guess I'm a hypocrite now (see older posts) - and remember, little children, that it should be "you and me" not "me and you"! If you want some (slightly) better original music, check out my music page.

I was talking with my wife a little while ago, and she mentioned grocery shopping. I thought of the recent Pizza Hut commercial about their "PizzaMia" $5 special, and thought, "Hey, if we eat Pizza Hut pizzas 6 nights a week, say 3 mediums per night, that's only $90/week for dinner (ok, not counting drinks)." That might be a great way to reduce our budget! And who doesn't like pizza? (Ok, my stomach would revolt, with a profusion of excess acid due to my GERD - gastro-esophageal reflux disease - but at this point it really doesn't matter what I eat, the acid's coming... it's only the amount and severity that is controlled by the intake components, i.e., what I eat.)

So, speaking of pizza, anyone tried the "track my pizza" thing? Looks like it may be tied to Papa John's pizza ("better ingredients, better pizza, Papa John's"). Seems like a silly waste of time to me. Then again, so is most of what I write on here, so maybe it's not so bad. (Can anyone follow posts like this which ramble all over the known universe as far as topics?) Then again, a friend of mine talked about his tying a coffee maker and soda machine into their network so they could tell when the coffee was done, or whether their favorite soft drink was in or out of stock at the vending machine, before having to walk down to the break room. Oh, vending machines... they took them out of the break room where I work, said we weren't using them enough to justify keeping them in place. Now I haven't anywhere to get a diet coke at work. (Then again, they had a strange selection there, including both regular Mt. Dew and two slots of Diet Mt. Dew.) Guess I need to invest in one of those mini-fridges. (I have a thermo-electric cooler, and while it works fairly well, the fan on it gets rather loud when it has been run continuously for a while, and has to be replaced to restore quieter operation, and I don't want to mess with that anymore.)

Ah, well, my diet, caffeine free Coke is finished... need to grab a Coke Zero from the fridge. If you haven't tried Coke Zero, and like/want/need to drink diet drinks, give it a shot - it's pretty good (although they don't have a caffeine free version, which I should probably drink due to my acid reflux). Later...


  1. "Then again" - I said that an awful lot in one of those paragraph thingies...

  2. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion (even if all those who don't match my own are wrong... :).

    I've never been much of a Pepsi fan, although wild cherry Pepsi (diet, which I drink now, or otherwise) isn't bad. My all-time favorite is still RC Cola, although the "real" diet version isn't all that great (Diet RC); their "other" diet drink, Diet-Rite, is pretty good, though.

    But, other than RC, I'm mainly a Coke guy. (Sometimes I'll do the diet Grapico, or diet A&W, or the occasional Dr. Pepper - they didn't have diet DP in the vending machine which is no longer at work - or diet DP, or Diet MD, especially when I'm coming down with a cold...)

  3. Hey, I noticed today that the MP3 player wasn't loading... not quite sure what the problem is, but I've replaced the one on this post with a different one, so you can enjoy "The Pocket Furniture Song" in all its glory... :)

  4. I'm not either/or; I'll drink either Coke or Pepsi products. I just happen to think Pepsi One is the best cola-tasting diet drink.
