Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dog saliva...

makes good glasses cleaner. How do I know this? By experience, of course! Once upon a time I had a dog lick my face and got it all over my glasses. When I went to wipe them off, they were really, really clean. So if you need your glasses cleaned, try some dog saliva.

What else do you use for cleaning your glasses? I've seen people breath on them, I've used my own saliva at time, I have a glasses cleaner kit with some special "glasses cleaning fluid" and a soft cloth, I've used paper products (tissues, paper towels, etc., although those are probably not the best since they have the potential to scratch your lenses), and various cloth products (cotton cloth products seem to do the best job of "dry cleaning" in my opinion), as well as various glass cleaners, and of course good ol' H2O.

What do you use? What's your favorite? Feel free to comment.


  1. Get rich quick:

    Bottle dog saliva as a new cleaner for glasses!! Include brand t-shirt with it for free advertising and easy-access cleaning cloth!

  2. I like it! You head it up and I'll endorse and advertise it...
