Friday, November 9, 2007

Time travel?

Just making this post to see if I can travel back through time (I'll explain in a comment if it works)...

1 comment:

  1. YES! I did it! I posted back in time! Ok, maybe that's a stretch of the imagination (mine doesn't have to stretch that far to realize the time traveling aspects of my post), but you'll notice my "first" post apparently occurred on Saturday at 12:xx am, but the second post occurred on Friday at 11:xx pm. Weird? No, it's just an anomaly of my not setting my blog's timezone until AFTER the first post, but having manually adjusted the time of the post before posting (since it showed the mountain time by default, which I changed to my local, Central time). When I changed the time zone it changed the time for the first post. Oh well, it was almost time travel...
