Monday, November 19, 2007

My Coke Rewards

So, I go to My Coke Rewards to try to enter my codes, right? And it won't let me log in. Taking forever to load (of course, I really detest the general layout of the site in general - very poorly designed), constantly saying "error: we can't process your request right now" (and the first time it even locked up the browser window).

Finally I log my codes through my cell phone. Then try again to see if they've added any new rewards (did I recently mention their lack of any rewards I want?). Still can't log in. Try again and suddenly get a page saying, "We're sorry, the My Coke Rewards site is undergoing scheduled maintenance right now." Scheduled? Give me a break! Their site broke, they finally realized it, and had to redo something. It was "scheduled" about as long as it took to get someone in their IT department to start working on it.

I wonder how many other places have "scheduled" maintenance that's really reactionary maintenance (AKA unscheduled maintenance)? And they mislabel it. Seems to be it would be better to simply admit that something untoward happened, rather than saying, "we're either inconsiderate or stupid and have scheduled maintenance of our MAJOR CONSUMER WEBSITE at prime consumer viewing hours instead of in the middle of the night." Seems to me admitting a system failure is better than admitting stupidity or inconsideracy. I think that being inconsiderate is something that should be outlawed, but then again, not everyone considers the same things inconsiderate that I do.

Maybe we should all just love one another (like it says in various places in the Bible, such as Romans 12:10) - then inconsiderateness would simply vanish as a by-product. Ah, the life lessons we learn from broken web sites...


  1. Inconsideracy is a word? Or are you coining it?

    I hate the Coke rewards site, too! ARRRGHH! We were going to get the Best Buy card as well and then it disappeared. I don't want subscriptions to a billion magazines, I don't want to enter contests, and I don't want our points to disappear while we wait around for something good to show up. (uh UP....must change, must change ending word...) Appear.

  2. I love this site. So sexy!
