Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey, I've got a great idea...

Let's take a ship, fill it with passengers, and go cruise around icy-cold waters filled with icebergs, just for fun. Think anything could go wrong? How about hitting something and your ship sinking? Never saw that coming, did you? :) Seriously, though, I think that would be a cool trip (no pun intended, but you make take it as such if you like).

So, do you like Drew (Carey, on The Price Is Right)? I haven't yet had the opportunity to see him in action, but am watching him now. While not Bob Barker, he's probably about as good a replacement as they could find. I also noticed they changed the mic - it's wireless now. I don't remember if they did that (go to a wireless mic) before changing hosts... it's been a while since I had the opportunity to watch the show. I do know that I much preferred the previous announcer (the voice you hear but don't usually see), although it's been a while since they made that change. They're in the showcase showdown now, and I see that Drew is going to have to get some experience to know where the big wheel is going to end up. I guess since it had been on since September 4, 1972, that Bob had quite a bit of experience in this area. Wow; the show's nearly as old as I am!

My, how TV has changed since then. Nowadays it's all "reality" TV and prime-time dramas. How many different versions of CSI exist these days? I've already admitted my favorites, and some other thoughts on recent shows, in my "What's on?" post. And now I'm [brain dead] watching Family Feud, so I'm outta here...

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